Questions 13-14: Cell injury and death


A pathologist is examining a section of liver from the autopsy of a 43-year-old non-alcoholic male under the microscope and identifies that many of the hepatocytes around the central vein have one or more large well-defined circular clear spaces in the cytoplasm. Of the following, what other feature is most likely present in these hepatocytes?

A. Pale nucleus
B. Fragmented nucleus
C. Amyloid
D. Mallory’s hyaline
E. Swollen hepatocytes


At autopsy a pathologist identifies a lesion in an organ. The lesion is white-yellow, wedge-shaped, and, although softer than the surrounding parenchyma, still relatively firm to the touch. Of the following, which organ was this pathologist most likely examining?

A. A lung
B. The liver
C. The brain
D. The colon
E. A kidney