Questions 211-215: General pathology image questions

Question 211

A 52-year-old male presents to his family physician because of prolonged weakness and some back pain. An x-ray reveals some osteolytic lesions in his cranium. A serum protein electrophoresis reveals an increased amount of protein, with a spike in the gamma region. A subsequent bone marrow biopsy reveals 25% plasma cells. One year later, the man dies and an autopsy is performed. The pathologist identifies some vessels with a thickened wall that is eosinophilic and acellular. A specific stain is ordered and illustrated below. Of the following, what substance is within the wall of the vessel?

A. Cholesterol
B. Hemosiderin
C. Foreign material
D. Amyloid
E. Fibrosis

Question 212

A 23-year-old male is drinking at a bar downtown when, after watching a football game on television, a fight ensues. During the fight, he is knocked over and falls backward, striking his head on the floor of the bar, sustaining the injury illustrated below. Of the following, how will this injury most likely heal?

A. By primary intention
B. By secondary intention
C. By tertiary intention
D. By quaternary intention

Question 213

A pathologist is working with a research laboratory to develop an immunohistochemical stain that will target the pathologic change identified by the arrows in the image. Of the following, which target would be most useful to identify this cellular change?

A. Phosphatidylcholine
B. Phosphatidylinositol
C. Phosphatidylglycerol
D. Phosphatidylserine
E. Phosphatidylethanolamine

Question 214

A 33-year-old male is found unresponsive in the morning by his wife. She calls 9-1-1; however, he is declared dead and the coroner is summoned. His wife indicates that over the last week, he has been complaining of upper respiratory tract like symptoms. He has no past medical history and no history of sudden cardiac death in his family. An autopsy is performed and identifies the pathologic finding illustrated in the image (the scissors and finger are pulling open the pericardial sac). Of the following, what is the most likely cause of this man’s death?

A. A bacterial infection
B. A fungal infection
C. A viral infection
D. A metastatic neoplasm
E. Unreported trauma

Question 215

A pathologist is examining a section of liver from a man he autopsied who was 67 years of age and died in a motor vehicle accident. His only past medical history was hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with a 40 pack-year smoking history. The pathologist identifies the change illustrated in the image in the centrilobular hepatocytes. Of the following, what is the most likely etiology for this change?

A. A genetic mutation
B. Metastatic skin neoplasm
C. Smoking
D. Bile duct obstruction
E. Cellular wear