Questions 74-85: Neoplasia


A pathologist is examining a surgically removed mass under the microscope. Of the following, which feature would indicate the mass was malignant?

A. Necrosis
B. A high mitotic rate
C. Nuclear pleomorphism
D. Focal calcification
E. Invasion of surrounding tissue.


Prior to an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a 54-year-old male has a chest x-ray as part of his pre-operative work-up. The x-ray reveals a mass in the left lung, which is subsequently surgically excised. The pathologist examining the tissue notes it to be well-circumscribed, firm, and gray-white. Microscopically, he sees disorganizing but otherwise benign-appearing hyaline cartilage. Of the following, what is the best term to describe this mass?

A. Adenoma
B. Chondrosarcoma
C. Hamartoma
D. Choristoma
E. Hyalinoma


A pathologist is examining a repeat cervical biopsy from a 25-year-old female with a history of multiple sexual partners. She is positive for HPV16. Previous biopsies have revealed mild to moderate dysplasia. Of the following, which microscopic finding would indicate that carcinoma has developed within the dysplastic epithelium?

A. Marked disorganization of cellular maturation from basal to apical layers
B. Numerous mitotic figures throughout the epithelium
C. Hyperchromatic nuclei of various sizes throughout the epithelium
D. Sloughed outer layer of the epithelium
E. Nests of atypical epithelial cells within the superficial dermis


A 23-year-old male develops abdominal pain. A CT scan reveals a mass in the liver. A surgical resection is performed. Microscopic examination of the mass by the pathologist reveals a diagnosis of metastatic osteosarcoma. Subsequently, radiologic examination of the right knee reveals a mass. Of the following, which route most likely allowed the neoplasm to spread from the knee to the liver?

A. Spread of tumor cells through the lymphatics
B. Spread of tumor cells through the blood
C. Spread of tumor cells along the surface of nerves
D. Invasion and growth along the lymphatics
E. Invasion and growth along the blood vessels


A neuropathologist is examining a biopsy of a brain tumor at frozen section. Features consistent with a glioblastoma are identified. Molecular analysis of the tumor reveals over-expression of the PDGF gene. This molecular abnormality contributed to which of the following mechanisms by which this tumor developed?

A. Evasion of immune surveillance
B. Sustained angiogenesis
C. Evasion of apoptosis
D. Self-sufficiency for growth signals
E. Insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals


A young woman is diagnosed with breast cancer after a biopsy of a suspicious mass that had been detected by mammography. The pathologist confirmed the diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma and molecular analysis revealed that the tumor was HER2 positive. She received chemotherapy, including anti-HER2 antibodies. Her molecular abnormality contributed to which of the following mechanisms by which this tumor developed?

A. Evasion of immune surveillance
B. Sustained angiogenesis
C. Evasion of apoptosis
D. Self-sufficiency for growth signals
E. Insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals


A large medical center that conducts molecular analyses of neoplasms for various small hospitals in the area, specializing in no specific tumor type, conducts a statistical analysis of their last 1000 tumors. Of the following, a mutation of which gene did they see most commonly?



A 53-year-old male with a 45 pack-year smoking history is diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma during the work-up of prolonged and unexplained abdominal pain. Molecular analysis of the tumor reveals a mutated RAS gene. Of the following, what was the most likely mechanism by which this mutation contributed to the development of the tumor?

A. Pre-mature hydrolysis of ATP
B. Impaired hydrolysis of ATP
C. Pre-mature hydrolysis of GTP
D. Impaired hydrolysis of GTP


A pathologist is examining a tumor removed from the left testis of a young boy. Within the tumor, the pathologist identifies squamous epithelium overlying sebaceous glands, hyaline cartilage, neural tissue, and hepatocytes. Of the following, what is the correct name for this tumor?

A. Hamartoma
B. Carcinoma
C. Sarcoma
D. Teratoma
E. Choristoma


A pathologist is examining a malignant neoplasm of the lung. Molecular analysis reveals that the tumor has a mutation of the RB gene. Of which of the following mechanisms did the mutation present contribute to the development of the neoplasm?

A. Self-sufficiency in growth signals
B. Insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals
C. Altered cellular metabolism
D. Evasion of apoptosis
E. Limitless replicative potential


A researcher is studying the role of apoptosis in breast tissue following a period of lactation after the birth of a child. In their study, they wish to promote apoptosis in samples of lactating breast tissue to study its effects. Promotion of transcription of which of the following genes would best bring about their desired effects?

B. Cyclin D
D. TP53


A research oncologist is studying the Warburg effect in neoplastic cells obtained from an individual with small cell carcinoma of the lung. Given that the Warburg effect is present in this cell population, the breakdown of glucose to which of the following substances is expected to be greater than expected?

A. Lactose
B. Water and oxygen
C. Glycine
D. Reactive oxygen species
E. Triglycerides