Questions 125-127: Hematopathology

Question 125

A 9-year-old male is brought to the emergency room by his parents because he has been sick for the past five days. He has not passed stool in two days. He has not wanted to eat, and has been vomiting anything his parents are able to get him to eat. Physical examination reveals abdominal tenderness associated with guarding and rebound tenderness. He is diagnosed with a perforation of the terminal ileum, and a resection is performed. Examining the pathologic specimen, the pathologist notes a mass. Genetic analysis of the mass would most likely reveal which of the following?

A. t(8;14)
B. t(2; 8)
C. t(15;17)
D. t(11;14)
E. t(8;21)
F. t(9;22)
G. t(14;18)

Question 126

A 61-year-old female presents to her family physician with complaints that over the past year she has developed several bumps at places around her body. Her sister died of metastatic breast cancer and she is concerned that the same thing may happen to her. Physical examination reveals palpable lymph nodes on the right side of her neck, both axillae, and her left femoral region. A biopsy of one of the lymph node is performed. The pathologist describes a nodular neoplastic proliferation in the lymph node. The neoplastic cells express CD20 and CD10, but do not express CD5. Of the following, which set of features best describes this neoplasm.

Question 127

A 37-year-old white female who works at a local factory presents to her family physician complaining that over the past 6 months she has been more tired than normal, and when she exerts herself she will get shorter of breath than normal. A complete blood cell count reveals a hemoglobin of 8.5 g/dL, hematocrit of 24%, white blood cells count of 7200 cells/mm3, and platelet count of 250,000/mm3. Examination of the blood smear reveals red blood cells with increased central pallor. Of the following, what is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Iron deficiency anemia
B. Sarcoidosis with involvement of the bone marrow
C. Aplastic anemia due to chemical exposure at work
D. Acute leukemia
E. Parasitic infection