Questions 206-210: General pathology image questions

Question 206

A 64-year-old male is involved in a motor vehicle accident and sustains lethal injuries. The forensic pathologist performing the autopsy examines the organs histologically. In the microscopic section of the lung, she identifies the lesion pictured in the image. Of the following, what was the most likely etiology for this change?

A. Trauma
B. Long standing hypertension
C. Previous exposure to chlorine gas
D. Infection with Strongyloides stercoralis
E. Use of cigarettes

Question 207

A 43-year-old male with a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and a hereditary clotting disorder presents to the emergency room accompanied by his wife and complaining of sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. Physical examination reveals a blood pressure of 151/93 mmHg, pulse rate of 106 bpm, and pain to palpation in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. The disease process causing his symptoms is illustrated below. Of the following, what was the most likely mechanism by which it occurred?

A. Decreased flow through an artery
B. Decreased flow through a vein
C. Decreased flow through an artery and a vein
D. Decreased flow through two veins
E. Decreased flow through two arteries

Question 208

A dermatopathologist is reviewing a punch biopsy of a skin lesion taken by a referring clinician. In the dermis, the pathologist identifies the pigment illustrated in the image below. Of the following, what is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Invasive melanoma
B. Past tattoo procedure
C. Benign soft tissue tumor
D. Resolving bruise
E. Parasitic infection

Question 209

A 53-year-old male with a history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus type II collapses while mowing the lawn. Despite resuscitative measures, he is pronounced dead. To determine the cause of death, the medical examiner performs an autopsy and identifies the finding in the image below (reference: the normal interventricular septal thickness is 1.5 cm or less). Of the following, which type of protein is most increased in amount in this organ?

A. Fibrillin
B. Endothelin
C. Pepsin
D. Actin
E. Cytokeratin

Of the following, what process has occurred in this organ?

A. Metaplasia
B. Dysplasia
C. Hyperplasia
D. Hypertrophy
E. Atrophy

Question 210

A pathology resident is conducting an autopsy during his first month of residency. While palpating the lungs of a 53-year-old male who had a 45 pack-year smoking history and died from metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, the resident identifies the lesion illustrated in the image below. Of the following, what process has occurred?

A. Hypertrophy
B. Hyperplasia
C. Metaplasia
D. Atrophy
E. Neoplasia

Questions 199-205: General pathology image questions

Question 199

A 72-year-old male suddenly loses strength and sensation in his right upper extremity. His family takes him to the hospital where he is then admitted. Despite treatment, he dies 6 days later and an autopsy is performed. The pathologist identifies a lesion in the lateral aspect of his left frontal and parietal lobes at the central sulcus. The lesion is exhibited below. Of the following, what process is occurring?

A. Coagulative necrosis
B. Liquefactive necrosis
C. Caseous necrosis
D. Gangrenous necrosis
E. Fat necrosis

Question 200

A 31-year-old male with a past history of chronic alcoholism presents to the emergency room with a three-day history of abdominal pain. Despite therapeutic measures, he dies and an autopsy is performed, which reveals the finding illustrated in the image. Of the following, what was the mechanism for the pathologic change illustrated?

A. Widely disseminated metastatic tumor
B. Release of gastric contents
C. Release of pancreatic enzymes
D. Bacterial sepsis
E. Undiagnosed tuberculosis

Question 201

A pathology resident is completing his autopsy report and describing the microscopic appearance of lesions he identified during the exam. While viewing the section of the heart, which included a lesion he identified grossly, he found the features illustrated in the image below. Of the following, what would be the best description for the yellow star (first) and blue star areas (second) respectively?

A. Coagulative necrosis/coagulative necrosis
B. Coagulative necrosis/liquefactive necrosis
C. Dry gangrene/wet gangrene
D. Coagulative necrosis/abscess
E. Caseous necrosis/abscess

Question 202

A pathologist is examining histologic sections from an autopsy when he identifies the pathologic lesion illustrated below. There are numerous such lesions in the organ being examined under the microscope. Of the following, what is the most likely etiology?

A. Bacterial infection
B. Viral infection
C. Parasitic nematode infection
D. Neoplastic proliferation
E. Trauma
F. Mycobacterial infection

Question 203

A researcher in a medical school laboratory is studying the effects of introducing an infectious organism to a mouse model. Following the infection of the mouse, a short time period is allowed and then the mouse is sacrificed and the tissue studied microscopically. Assuming the mouse model mimics a human reaction (i.e., similar cellular mediators are involved), of the following, which chemokine played the largest role in producing the illustrated image?

A. C-X-C chemokine
B. C-C chemokine
C. C chemokine
D. CX3C chemokine
E. C-D-C chemokine

Question 204

An 18-month-old child dies due to cardiorespiratory failure following a lengthy disease course dating back to near his time of birth and characterized by muscular hypotonia. An autopsy is performed and the pathologist identifies a markedly enlarged heart and a mildly enlarged liver. A microscopic section of the heart reveals the finding illustrated below. Of the following, what is the most likely enzyme deficiency causing the disease process?

A. Glucose-6-phosphatase
B. Muscle phosphorylase
C. Lysosomal glucosidase
D. Glucocerebrosidase
E. Sphingomyelinase

Question 205

A 53-year-old chronic alcoholic who is homeless was brought to the emergency room by his friends because he has been coughing up blood for two days. His friends also report that he has had a chronic cough and has been losing weight. He does smoke cigarettes. Physical examination reveals him to be cachectic. Despite treatment in the hospital, he dies and an autopsy is performed, which reveals a 7.3 cm soft friable area in the upper lobe of the right lung and numerous small (few millimeter) soft white-yellow nodules in the liver and spleen. The image below depicts one of the small nodules in the spleen. Of the following, what is the most likely etiology for this change?

A. Giant cell neoplasia
B. Infection with gram positive bacilli
C. Infection with gram negative bacilli
D. Infection with acid-fast bacilli
E. Aspiration of food
F. Methanol poisoning